"Desire’s a contract you make to be unhappy until you get what you want. You become disturbed because you want something. Then you work really hard to get it and are miserable in the meantime. Finally, when you get it, you revert to the state you were in before you had it. It’s not like you achieve some peak level of bliss that you stay on forever.

No single thing will make you happy forever" - Naval Ravikant

Appreciate your accomplishments and rest on your laurels for a few minutes. It's okay to acknowledge when you've done something worthwhile before you move on to the next goal.

Guard your desires, be careful what you want. Everything you want has power over you. Don't give that power out on accident.

Every Monday and Wednesday, I publish a bite-sized episode on fulfillment, living by design, working hard, career growth, and mental models. These episodes are less than 10 minutes so you can fit them in your daily routine, and they come from some of the wisest, most accomplished people throughout history. Subscribe to the show today wherever you get your podcasts.

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