We’re allowed to be more than one thing. And to get more specific, you can be more than one thing at the same time. Today we rant about the stigma for having multiple passions. We are also joined by Mona Loring to discuss dual passions and the energy it takes to be successful.

Mona is the CEO of MLC PR, a boutique public relations firm specializing in tailored publicity services. MLC PR maintains a  broad spectrum of clientele ranging from award-winning TV, film and  Broadway actors; musicians and record labels and more. She also founded Conscious Living PR. The goal with this agency is to assist in promoting quality brands via media and  social efforts in the natural, eco-friendly, mind/body/spirit and organic arenas. In addition, she created PR Path an educational tool and course for PR professionals. And if that wasn’t enough, she has studied various forms of breathwork, meditation, Reiki and crystal healing, powerful distance energy work, psychic mediumship and shamanic healing. She now uses these tools in everyday life and with her new business. Mona is proof that you can have a variety of passions and projects at the same time and be successful!

For more info on Mona: