The abortion issue! So as an agency, we decided to take a stand and be bold. 

After seeing on the news that celebrities are seeking to emulate the #metoo hashtag with the #youknowme hashtag so women who have had an abortion can stand together in unity. WHAT?!?! Where is the hashtag for ADOPTION???

We launched the You Before Me campaign. We believe that courageous women who choose adoption, deserve their own hashtag! The hashtag #YouBeforeMe is a way a birth mother can proudly own the choice of adoption to protect the life of her baby. Abortion should never be a choice, as it robs the unborn child of their own choices and adoption is a beautiful alternative to abortion in Arizona. Building Arizona Families & AZ Pregnancy Help are here to help! 

As co-founder of the agency, I always tell birth mothers to be proud that they chose life, proud of their courageous sacrifice, and to stand strong in their belief that choosing life is the best choice. Today, many women who were once addicted, homeless, in abusive relationships, etc., are proud of their choice to put their baby’s life first. Adoption is a positive choice for everyone – the baby, the birth mother, and the adoptive family. Adoption changes lives and futures. Adoption is a positive choice for so many women who believed they had no choice.

It’s time to celebrate a woman’s right to choose adoption and to give women the necessary resources so that they have a viable choice. We are committed to helping make that choice possible. The You Before Me movement celebrates with the courageous women who choose life for their child through adoption.

Stand with us and stand tall!

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