Taking the First Step in Making an Adoption Plan

If you find yourself pregnant and parenting, regardless of your reason is not an option for you. Take the first step, accept that you are pregnant. Your life is not going to spiral out of control, you are in the driver’s seat and can stay in control. You don’t have to do this alone. 

Adoption is a big decision, it’s a choice that can feel overwhelming and mind boggling, but it doesn’t have to. Placing a baby for adoption is a choice that life has come to when reality prevails over dreams and finality over promise.

Adoption is the ultimate sacrifice. It’s a mother’s gift of life and a promise to her child, a life she cannot provide. She fights every maternal instinct to place her baby with a family who can provide that coveted life. A mother will put the needs of her baby before her own needs. 

Do understand, adoption is not without heartache for a birth mother. Dealing with regret, fear, guilt are just the beginning emotions a birth mother feels. The fear of judgment or condemnation from family, friends and even strangers can become paralyzing. As an agency, we work with our birth mothers to combat the negative feelings and emotions and focus on the positive ones. A change in perspective is paramount in the ability to look past one’s fears and celebrate one’s decision. Adoption is a celebration of hope, promise and life. Sometimes the best choices are the hardest choices but strong women chooses life, but an even stronger woman chooses adoption.