As a Certified Grief Educator with David Kessler and, Michelle explains the Five Stages of Grief™️- denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance as well as the sixth stage- meaning through the lens of pregnancy and infant loss. She shares that unfortunately over the years the 5 Stages of Grief™️ have been misinterpreted by many, including mental health professionals. These six stages reflect where we are in our journey of grief at any given moment. They are about change we do not want. The stages are unconscious and natural responses to loss. They are tools to help us frame and identify what we may be feeling. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross explicitly stated that the stages “are not stops on some linear timeline in grief."  Not everyone goes through all of them or in a prescribed order. Everyone's grief is unique.  These stages can provide a roadmap for grief's rocky terrain and help us to be better equipped to cope with life and loss. Michelle invites you to also listen to Season 1 Episode 3 for an overview of the Four Phases of Bereavement for Baby Loss.



Connect with Rev. Michelle:

Website: /loss-support

Facebook:   Birth Ease Baby Loss Support

Instagram:   @birtheaselossssupport

LinkedIn:  Birth Ease Michelle Smith

Holding Space for Pregnancy Loss Training:

Thank you for listening! Remember, you are not alone in your grief.