Anna Humphreys, the co-director of Calm Birth, shares why this project of healing meditations for abortion is essential. Restore, the second meditation in the series is based on the practice of opening, a healing progressive relaxation meditation. The method is based on Progressive Relaxation techniques developed by Edmund Jacobson, M.D., at the Harvard Medical School and the University of Chicago Medical School in the 1920s and 1930s. A wide range of medical problems were successfully treated by healing corresponding problems in the nervous system. The method was then further developed in the University of Massachusetts Medical Center's medicine/meditation program beginning in 1979. The body responds to stress with muscle tension, which can cause pain or discomfort. In turn, tense muscles relay to the body that it's stressed. That keeps the cycle of stress and muscle tension going. Progressive muscle relaxation helps break this cycle by reducing muscle tension and general mental anxiety. This practice is useful for sleep and rest.

"I’ve seen abortions be incredibly difficult decisions for people whether it’s something they know they want or their life circumstances didn’t allow for a child at the time. Either way, it is a challenging physical experience to release a pregnancy and the healing is rarely honored. That’s why I am so glad that we had this practice of progressive relaxation to draw from that I’m intimately familiar with from the Calm Birth program but that applies so well to recovering from an abortion especially at a time when the female body is being increasingly commodified and criminalized. ...Abortion meditations won't fix the systemic problems that allow these laws to pass, but I think it's an important drop in the bucket. I also love that they're gender-inclusive, because we know abortion is non-binary. These meditations are for everyone, and I hope they reach anyone who could use some extra support."—Anna Humphreys

For those of us at Calm Birth meditation that have been working on this Calm Abortion project, it is our hope that these meditations help to invite healing for whoever chooses to listen, no matter how long ago they experienced an abortion for any reason or circumstance.

Learn more: Instagram and Facebook @calmabortion

Resources: ACOG (The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists) Statement on Abortion Bans, World Health Organization's statement on abortion, Evidence Based Birth: Abortion Research Resource Guide, and Grief After Abortion: healing from unspoken loss