Michelle and Naima Bond discuss the experience of supporting families through pregnancy and infant loss as doulas. Naima shares her own story of pregnancy loss and how that inspired her to do additional training in perinatal loss as she became a birth professional. Naima explains some of the challenges that African American families can face in receiving compassionate care, understanding, and support when they are experiencing perinatal loss. She also shares tips for grieving families and for those supporting them. 

"So that's what I would say. The support of people who truly love you and just knowing, fortunately, or unfortunately, that other people are going through the same thing; and, that you are not alone [makes a difference]."—Naima Bond

About Naima Bond:

Naima Bond, M.Ed. has been serving children and families for over 25 years in the area of early childhood and disabilities. She has recently shifted her focus to supporting mothers through the birthing process. She is a certified Birth Doula with the Matron and is also going through her DONA certification. She has been associated with Calm Birth and completed the program in 2017 and then became a Calm Birth teacher trainer in 2019. Naima was brought up with meditation as a child. She learned about Calm Birth through APPPAH and knew it was a practice she wanted to include in her birth business. She supports families in her private practice and is assisting Calm Birth in teaching Calm Birth to other birth and wellness practitioners. She resides in Atlanta Ga. with her sons Mashante and LaParish.

Connect with Naima Bond: 

Website: http://www.oyabirthandwellnesss.com/

Email:  [email protected]

Instagram: @naimadanita








Nneka Hall: 



Nenka Hall’s PAIL Summit 2021:



Episodes mentioned: Gary Vogel  S1 E11 & E12, Diana Kelley  S1 E7, and Amy Wright Glenn S1 E18. 


Connect with Rev. Michelle:

Website:  BirthEaseServices.com /loss-support

Facebook:   Birth Ease Baby Loss Support

Instagram:   @birtheaselossssupport

LinkedIn:  Birth Ease Michelle Smith

Thank you for listening! Remember, you are not alone in your grief.