Here, so you can really get the magnitude of it and then I'm going to show you some video and pictures so that you can really see this. This single bed in this two-bedroom apartment by himself and passed away in early January and just so you know today is the 13th of February, so we're talking probably a month and a half deceased undiscovered. He died on the floor of his bedroom and melted through and he's on the second floor melted. Through his floor and he's dripping through to the first-floor apartment which is a lady and her children they noticed maggots and they are getting sick too of the smell and of the dead body odor, so not only do you have the death in here the filth is extreme. I mean we're talking disgusting so I'm gonna show you some video here and explain to you as best as I can but this is bad so it looks like the person was bleeding for a while from whatever reason and didn't get treated or didn't get any attention and because the blood is in the several areas of the room and it needs blood cleanup, so it'snot blood like he was beaten or anything like that, it was just somebody was sick.

So, I'm gonna turn the camera here and you guys can take a look, so you've got blood there and then you have a really disgusting kitchen. Really disgusting and look at the walls, I mean you see. You see this here look at the floor. Hopefully, you can see this it is a little bit dark but I don't have any light the lights not working maybe this wall absolutely gross. Look at the fridge this okay so that's the kitchen and the entryway. So check out this TV room area and apparently this person was a severe alcoholic but this place was very very neglected, so take a look at this carpet is so somebody liked vodka. A lot now we're gonna get into the bedroom and where the death occurred, but take a look at this hallway and notice the color differentiation of the carpet, so it's pretty bad like and I said it is extremely bad. For those of you that have just joined, this was a single male that passed away in early January, he was found only because he melted through the second floor. Into the bottom floor apartment and a woman and her children saw maggots and saw it coming from the ceiling so it's really really disgusting. Big project and of course it doesn't make it easy that the place is so filthy and disgusting dead body odor which is it smells like hot garbage and in here with rotten eggs boiling in the Sun and like ten dead possums that are and when it smells it's pretty obnoxious. So, any questions that I can answer from anyone regarding this horrible cleanup. Alright, guys, I am signing off here hopefully you've seen everything I'll post some photos and as well thanks for watching.