We've been receiving four to six hundred calls a day, that are strict COVID-19 and related. It's hard for me to describe exactly how chaotic things are right now. We're doing fifteen Cornavirus disinfections a day and throughout the country. We are on the front line and we're going

into the hot zones of infected areas to have a coronavirus building cleaning. We'll go into a scene after a crime a suicide unattended death or in this case with the COVID-19. Confirmation of a positive case and we will make sure that the environment is disinfected of the virus the bacteria and the blood bodily fluids or even tissue. We are received, I would say anywhere from four to six hundred calls a day and they're coming from businesses large and small name brands mom and pops. Another thing that we were seeing a swing at our individual homeowners wanting us to come and remediate their houses, so when we go into to an environment that needs to be decontaminated by the coronavirus they'll have the personal protective equipment on and they'll have gloves,  I'll have booties, 'll has a respirator and they will also have our disinfectant which is an EPA.

CDC approved proprietary disinfectant that we use as clean towels that are disposed of as waste. After we're working on the high touch areas first it's because of the infectious nature of the virus viruses and protein it sticks to a surface. The actual viral and the protein can live on a surface for up to 17 days and know that airborne, it can be floating around. So to speak for three hours on, the copper and life span for hours plastics are two to three days, the great unknown though is on fluorine. Final porous surfaces such as couches and chairs have not tested as to what the lifespan might be and it could be up to 17 days. They say, your order for delivery food and it comes in a container. I would wipe them down and honestly, 'd keep them outside. There's a couple of websites on to wipe down your groceries and how to wipe down. You produce one and would be that just, open your windows and let the place air out. It's been stated that the virus on certain surfaces could live up to 17 days, so do not take the advice and the material that is used to disinfect. Do not throw it in the garbage because the coronavirus can contaminate could be living on the towels and that could be alive and someone's empty in the garbage and puts their hand in. There is some risk there and if you don't do the social distancing, then you're playing with fire. Maintain social distance even with your family.

There have been a number of high school kids who have no symptoms but were tested positive and they've since transmitted it to other members of their family. There is nothing magical out and it's the notion to disinfect and clean or wash your hands and use the disinfectant or wipes on surfaces that are common to individuals like the island of your kitchen, around your sink the bathroom. Sink, we're seeing if it's called unattended death on the uprise and that's when someone is found. After a few days, they had died and that's elevating because of shelter in place. One of the core reasons for the any came into existence is through the AIDS, epidemic individuals want to make sure they were able to be really confident and that any blood-borne pathogen like HIV was killed and we've always viewed ourselves as second responders to COVID-19, the strange thing about it, it seems to be incredibly contagious and there is global and a national pandemic and think that's unparalleled, since the time of maybe World War two.