This is part 1 of a two part series on functional neurology with Dr. Adam Harcourt (DC, DACNB, FACFN, FABVR) who is the owner of Imagine X Functional Neurology, located in Santa Barbara and Beverly Hills, CA. Dr. Harcourt has developed cutting edge Migraine and Concussion treatment programs and has become the go-to doctor for these conditions attracting patients from around the world! His book called “mastering migraine” details his functional approach to migraine diagnosis and treatment.

On part 1 of this two part episode you will learn about the pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment options for migraine, as well as:

The unique conditions that functional neurology can effectively treat...
The neurological link between migraine and MS...
Common symptoms of migraine and the problem with medications to treatment...
The major misunderstanding of migraine that leads to the mistreatment...
Why many migraine sufferers get worse over time...
The difference between migraine and other types of headaches...
Why genetics AND epigenetics are important in determining the root cause of migraine...
Why ionic dysfunction of the neurons can cause migraine and how to improve it...
Which areas of the brain tend to be dysfunctional in migraine sufferers...
Why you need to know both the location of brain dysfunction and your triggers...
Why MRIs aren’t very useful in diagnosis...
How to identify where the brain dysfunction is...
Common trigger foods...
The most common lifestyle mistakes that people with migraine make...
Specific brain training exercises that can help prevent migraine...
What the migraine threshold concept is and how it can revolutionize your migraine treatment...
Why a holistic approach is best for migraine - starting with prevention, then using medicine for symptoms as needed, and as a last resort, invasive treatments like surgery...

This part 1 of the two part episode is jam packed with a ton of useful info for migraine sufferers, so get your out your pen and paper and also make sure to tune in next week to learn about brain injury and functional diagnosis and treatment for concussion.


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