Chris Storey is the founder of Primal Alchemy (, amongst other titles including biohacker, philosopher, podcaster, ancient wisdom practitioner, and entrepreneur. And although his brand shares a similar name to mine, our organisations aren't officially linked, save for many similar interests and existing in the same industry. We were connected a few months ago by one of my previous podcast guests Blake Bowman, and have since recorded not only this episode, but one for the Red Pill Initiation Hour as well.

Although this episode does fall into the usual field of biohacking, it's something that's a little different than standard episodes, as it centres more on the mind and spirit of humanity, rather than the physical. And although there may be people listening that don't necessarily gravitate towards some of the esoteric concepts discussed in this episode, I know there will be many of you that this information resonates with very specifically. If you're the kind of person who normally discounts the spiritual side of the human experience, I hope this episode changes your mind, as to deny the spirit, is in my opinion denying the most special parts of yourself.

In today's episode, Chris and I discuss a range of topics from internal parasites, detoxification and why most detoxes are in no way effective at all, some fundamental principles of human spirituality, how some people seem to be on a concrete "path" while others aren't, simulation theory and whether or not we may all be living inside a computer, ancient civilisations and how they may connect all of us more than we think, and so much more.

This is a slightly longer episode than normal, though one I hope you enjoy as much as I enjoyed recording it. There's also a little more swearing in this episode than normal, so be aware if that's something that you're not a huge fan of.








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Want to take your biohacking skills to the next level? Wake up feeling better each and every day? Or as Dr Aubrey De Grey has suggested, see if you can implement some of the longevity biohacks that may see you living to 1,000 years or more with advancements in technology? Then my intensive biohacking course The Alchemist's Guide to Biohacking ( is something you should consider becoming a student of. Use the code "HALF" during the first month of this podcast being launched to get 50% off lifetime access, with all future updates. Check it out at: 



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