Original broadcast date September 27, 2018. The original podcast post is here: https://pixelatedgeek.com/2018/09/binary-system-podcast-145-wtnv-133-are-you-sure/

The Great Post-Vacation Catch-Up continues: this week we recap exactly one episode of Welcome To Night Vale. (It would've been two but we had to cut the listening short because...hang on, didn't we do this the last time we recapped a Welcome To Night Vale Episode? Are you sure?)

There's also some complaints about noisy clocks and clicky chairs, a rant about the decline of print media, some fangirling about the Bumblebee trailer, a little appreciation for the World of Tomorrow sequel, and admiration for the photoshop skills of people who put fake smiles on Benedict Cumberbatch.

This week's outro music is a clip from Breathe by Axl & Arth. https://www.jamendo.com/track/1342479/breathe

You can find the dudes of Marvel with Photoshopped smiles here. https://twitter.com/GeeksOfColor/status/1042606232631095296

The article about Zukerberg pushing to get folks addicted to social media (it talks about a lot more than that, but that's an interesting point) is here. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/09/17/can-mark-zuckerberg-fix-facebook-before-it-breaks-democracy

You can find the World of Tomorrow sequel here. https://vimeo.com/ondemand/worldoftomorrow2

The newest Bumblebee trailer is here. https://youtu.be/lcwmDAYt22k

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