Original broadcast date September 20, 2018. The original podcast post is here: https://pixelatedgeek.com/2018/09/binary-system-podcast-144-alice-isnt-dead-series-finale/

This is it, the final episode of Alice Isn't Dead ever. EVER. And the creators gave it an ending that wasn't what we were expecting, but..is it a "happy" ending? Weeelll.....

After that it's the post-Hurricane-Florence wrap up (spoilers: Kathryn and Nathan's area of Raleigh was safe, but you can find a great list of certified charities here https://www.wired.com/story/weather-channel-hurricane-florence-storm-surge-graphic/ if you'd like to help with the relief efforts elsewhere) and finish up with The Originals, Transformers Earth Wars, The Ritual, and Batman: White Knight.

This week's outro music is a clip from Work at Night by Professor Kliq. http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Professor_Kliq/Movements_EP/03_-_Work_At_Night

We had a computer fan turn on during the last few seconds of the podcast, and we won't say who's it was, except that it wasn't the person who's always got the sirens in the background, so everything balances out.

Correction: we weren't very clear about this regarding the Batman White Knight book, but the free issue that came out was a preview for the graphic novel release, not a teaser for the series. The series ran from October of 2017 to May 2018. Elizabeth is reading it now because reading comic books a year after they're released is just how we roll.

That Weather Channel animation we talked about, and how it was made, and its connection to Fortnite, is here. https://www.wired.com/story/weather-channel-hurricane-florence-storm-surge-graphic/