Bryan Shelmon - Anthem Culture CEO -  Global Solopreneur [caption id="attachment_1836" align="aligncenter" width="423"] Bryan Shelmon OF Anthem Culture Global Branding and success[/caption] What to expect from this interview 1. What is Anthem Culture? 2. What is a Global Creative Director? 3. What has been the driver/mindset to your success? 4. How important are relationships/networking to your business? 5. What's necessary for someone looking to achieve success? Bryan Shelmon business Bio: Bryan Shelmon is a Global Creative Director who founded the company Anthem Culture, a global lifestyle company. Anthem Culture partners with agencies and companies around the world to help develop marketing campaigns and strategies for clients. These projects span a variety of industries while gaining experience. with developing and implementing marketing/branding strategy, content development, digital marketing, lead generation, & more. His continuous travels around the world have brought a new awareness for conducting business and outlook for the future. The Focus of Anthem Culture resides within developing and implementing marketing/branding strategy, content development, digital marketing, lead generation, & more. Bryans continuous travels around the world have led to a growing network of resources that are used to help clients operate better in the global marketplace. If you have not heard of the term Solpreneur, you should make yourself aware, as it is the next way of business title bred from millennials. Solopreneur Definition: A Solopreneur is also the proverbial chief cook and bottle washer, who started the business, owns the business, runs the business and is responsible for the business' failure or success. A Solopreneur is not the same as an entrepreneur, however. Both assume the risk and build a business, but a Solopreneur does it alone. The coolest thing about Bryan is how open he is to simply be in his own space within the world. Very early in our conversation, I found we had common a bonds via books we have read and the approach towards living. Here are two books we discussed as necessary reading for living and staying grounded in life.   There was a theme to our conversation, the world is bigger than your neighborhood. The world is bigger than where you were born. Bryan had a really good quote, from Warren Buffet, in you must define what success is for you before you move forward.   Bryan Shelmon at the time of this interview has not hit his 25th birthday but is so far ahead of the pack from defining his path early.