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Peter Pactor is the author of Daniel the age of discovery. Peter's new book details how reading is a fundamental act but without human social skills can have a huge negative influence on someone’s life. There are some things in the podcast that should have been titled Millennial handbook living. Peter's Perspective Peter having spent his years as a school teacher has seen how technology killed choice and young adults because there are too many choices. Once upon a time, we had finite choices of things. The expansion of choices has taken thought to process away from other matters such as relationships, community, and family. We see evidence how technology has changed the way we interact with each other starting from the time we are very small children. Children today have computers at our beck-and-call, spending more time with artificial intelligence. In the past, it was commonplace for a young person to develop social skills because from interacting with parents, family, and community. Much of the human teaching has been negated due to the presence of smartphone and tablet interaction with children daily. No Snitching Policy Failed Us. During our conversation on the podcast, Peter detailed how this "no snitching" rule has undermined the society at large.  Promoting people who are not equipped to do the job and lessens the importance of those who are better equipped and prepared. There is an old term or phrase stating cheaters never win. Peter gave great evidence to this fact in some of his anecdotal stories during our podcast. Once such story related to a young man who wanted to be a rapper, but cheated during his English class and could not command the vocabulary required to be a rapper. When Peter asked the young man why he could not command easy words, the young man simply stated I cheated during English class. Many of the young man's classmates knew he cheated but never confessed. Daniel: The Age of discovery Eventually, we began to talk about the book Daniel the age of Discovery and how young man who comes from very wealthy family but does not have very much parenting develop themselves by reading various books. Later Daniel moved on to a higher education which required social skills because of the school he attended but found it very difficult and had to learn how to navigate the human to the human world. What are the greatest lessons that come out of Daniel the age of Discovery is the fact that if you know how to read anything is attainable because you have a means to learn everything? Virtue in today's world An additional topic discussed were virtues of hard work. It seems in this day and age the virtues of hard work may have little substance or a truly defined meaning at large. We gravitate towards the quick, dirty by the easiest means necessary road to accomplishment. This philosophy is a departure from the actual definition of virtue and success. Cheating was a big topic of our discussion a with a movie Peter suggested for the audience is titled The Emperor’s Club, a very good example how cheating does not really pay off, in the long run. We also discuss topics related to the growing narcissism of today's college graduates. Where once it was considered a staple of society,  have to pay your dues then proceed to move your way up gradually, versus attaining status as soon as you graduate college. Peter, obviously my senior and age and remembers of stories of the Great Depression attitudes versus post-depression. How people consider themselves part of the community and relegated themselves to a special set of virtues.Virtues resonated throughout the community where typically sir and ma'am were used when addressing someone and making sure that you help your neighbor out because you are a community.  Other virtues related to possessions arose. In the previous generations, the community valued every possession owned, instead of just wanting more. [caption id="attachment_1192" align="aligncenter" width="263"] Millenial Virtue handbook infographic[/caption] Grades versus knowledge Grades versus knowledge came up in our conversation. It wasn’t very important and poignant topic because of we value grades versus knowledge. It was stated that grades are not a great indicator comprehension. Still, today focus on grades versus actual knowledge is the high moral standard. Non-personal communication We have become a society of non-personal communicators. Text messages and emails have taken away the innate ability to understand emotional non-verbal signals during a conversation. We often experience problems communicating personally amongst each other for that reason. Rapidly, we are becoming unfamiliar with visual cues of communication etiquette.  Facebook messenger, Snapchat, WhatsApp, and Twitter are all direct communication but non-personal communication. As a global community, we are beginning to slowly lose our art of developing relationships from a personal one-on-one, group or from a community standpoint. Typically, when a guest is on The Billionaire Lifestyle podcast conversations, interviews vary from the base premise of the intended subject matter. Instead, we generally talk about the things that run in and out of life to helping us be better people related to the main topic,  this podcast episode was no exception.  Listen to the podcast, there was a great deal of information for you to absorb and integrate into your life making life better and more fruitful. I have these podcast guest on the billionaire lifestyle podcast to inspire you or to give you some reason for critical thought to change your life or to make the changes necessary for you to live out your passion please visit us often and leave a comment. TO ORDER [caption id="attachment_1197" align="alignleft" width="150"] Author Peter Pactor[/caption]  Daniel: The Age of Discovery is available for order from most major online book retailers, including the FriesenPress Bookstore, Amazon, Barnes& Noble. [caption id="attachment_1190" align="aligncenter" width="150"]Daniel: The Age of discovery Daniel: The Age of discovery[/caption] The eBook is available through FriesenPress, Kindle, iTunes, Google Books, Kobo, Nook. Wholesale orders are available through the distributor: INGRAM. PRICING
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