This week’s Q & A questions:

• Should I use the box squat at 90 degrees and coach and explode off the box with strong exhalation (exhalation/concentric strategy ) ... Shoulde I use a deeper box squat to promote more yielding and descended pelvic diaphragm ( inhalation strategy - more ER , flexion )

• Is a compensatory inhalation strategy a strategy someone uses when they are biased towards exhalation ( compression)??

• Do you think you could breakdown and explain in more detail what the exercise is doing to improve the shape of the thorax and pelvis? Would you perform on both sides?

• I think you indicated that the current set up was suitable for a wide ISA. How would you change the exercise if you had a narrow ISA/inhalation bias?

• I am also confused with foot position. If your feet supinate are you using an inhalation strategy? If you pronate are you using and exhalation strategy?

• Can you also relate pelvic diaphragm mechanics to the cue "pretend like you are holding in gas" and when to use that cue?

• If you cue " hold in gas on the inhale does it activate pelvic floor? Shouldn't you want pelvic floor to activate on the exhale...moving up like a piston with the thoracic diaphragm?

• I was wondering what fields and areas of science would you recommend an entry-level PT to study and read. Additionally, do you have an advice for a new PT about to embark on this epic journey of starting in the field?

• In your opinion should arm care be aimed at increasing dorsal rostral space? Instead of the typical I, T, Y’s. I liked your KB arm bar Video. Other ways you like to challenge the RTC for a baseball player.

• From your last video, what does eccentrically yield the sternum mean? (Your talk on pronating the glove arm)

• Training thoracic spine movement and is it worth doing in isolation?

• What is the specific shape change of the pelvis you were attempting to create with the lateral drag video?

• Can you clarify the shape change of the thorax associated with rotation and where we need yielding/overcoming contractions in order to have the most efficient strategy for something like a change of direction or pitch in baseball.

• I heard you discussing on a video about catching a medicine ball throw, and how that teaches us to “catch our guts”? Could you go a little more into this? Where could someone read more about the forces produced by the ’guts’ or internal organs during movement?

• Could you please talk about the relationship between the ability to expand the upper thorax and neck movement. I can't figure out the exact relationship between thorax expansion and the ability to rotate the neck. thank you

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