Was It By Chance Or Is This My Destiny?

Meaningful and strong relationships take time and effort to build. If left unseasoned, cultivated, and taken care of, a relationship can go crumbling in a blink. While you may be talented and smart as an athlete, it's unlikely you will succeed without building great relationships with others - especially your loved ones and the people helping you prepare in the sport. By developing powerful relationships with others, you will be more successful, feel more supported and be more connected. So how do you build and maintain such positive relationships? Let's find out with Daraja Hill. 

Daraja Hill is an IFBB Bikini Pro and a licensed athletic trainer. Competing for a little over a year, Daraja is taking the industry by storm. After winning overall at 2019 NPC North American Championships, she went ahead to win her pro debut, and then a week later, she beat some of the top Olympians including 3x Miss Bikini Olympia champion. The 24-year-old has made commendable progress in a very short of spun of time, making her one of the fast-rising athletes to watch. Her goal is not only to contend in the Olympia but to be the first African-American Olympia. 

In this episode, we have deep conversations about her future, her relationship with her coach and her relationship with her spouse. She will additionally give us tips on how to have a functioning relationship while you're competing. This is one episode you don't want to miss. Without further ado, let's dive in. 



Adhere to your plan Enhance communication in your relationships Don't be so hard on yourself Keep going Be yourself  Be consistent  Focus on your won journey  Enjoy and embrace your journey Don't compare yourself 


Important Question

[00:05:34] How many years have you been competing?

[00:05:49] When and where did you get your pro card?

[00:09:04] Why do you compete?

[00:14:39] How did you get started in Bikini?

[00:19:02] Did you have a coach when you did your first show?

[00:22:58] What strategy did you take with your coach when you started working together?

[00:28:45] What kind of response did you get after you won your show?

[00:34:24] What made you want to do the show after you won your pro debut?

[00:36:04] What was the response after winning against 3x Miss Bikini Olympia?

[00:37:22] How exactly is your relationship with your spouse at home? 

[00:39:48] Can you give any tips on how to have a functioning relationship while competing?

[00:46:06] How many days a week did you train and for how long did you train?

[00:50:26] What are your goals moving forward? 

[00:53:50] What kind of opportunities have come your way since you've turned pro?

[00:57:08] What piece of advice would you give to someone wanting to become a professional in the sport?


Follow and Support Daraja

Instagram: @darajahillfit

Core Nutritionals: Code DARAJA Angel Competition Bikinis: Code DARAJA  

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