What The Combination Of Faith, Fitness, and Wellbeing Can Do For Your Life 

While you are in the bodybuilding world, you will definitely have your hills and valleys moments. In simple terms, you will not always have it easy. You will be faced with a lot of struggles along the way. As a matter of fact, most people have. But the problem is some people do not know how to respond to such struggles to eventually overcome them. T

The way you respond to those challenging times is what really defines you. When you are able to sail through a difficult moment, not only will you be nourished, you will also experience personal growth. That said, there are various ways that you can employ to successfully deal with a problem or a difficult situation. Among them, stretching further or discontinuing all the same. So when should you employ which method? Let engage Tayler Jordan and find out. 

Taylor Jordan is an IFBB Bikini Pro, in-person trainer, online coach, and a business owner. Tyler founded B3 Mentorship Program, a 21-day mentorship program that focuses on transforming from the inside out while integrating faith, fitness, and well-being. Her Bikini competition goes back to 2014 where she did three shows in the NPC and qualified to compete nationally. Tyler claimed her pro card at Junior Nationals in Chicago. This was followed by a series of competition, where she performed exemplary well until she decided to take a break. While she has not been active in the sport since 2017, she is still thriving in the fitness industry. She is currently working towards growing her B3 Mentorship Program to fulfill her dream.     

In this episode, Tyler will share with us some of her struggles and how she overcame them. She will also talk about how she discovered intuitive eating, and how everything she's endured during her competing season brought her to where she is today. 

Without further ado, let's get into it.



The muscle of faith does not grow in comfort If you want something, you have to work for it Change your mindset Focus on who we are on the inside Create some quality time  Learn how to choose foods based on what your body needs You are not living your life for other people Don't pressure yourself Keep waking up and doing your best every single day Understand what the sport is all about before engaging


Important Questions 

[00:07:28] How many years did you compete for?

[00:10:22] What keeps you motivated to stay in fitness?

[00:11:09] What was your why behind competing? 

[00:16:42] When did you know that you didn't want to compete anymore? 

[00:18:30] Did you ever experience any sort of health complications while you were competing, or as a result of competing?

[00:25:17] How did you change the trajectory of your life?

[00:29:32] For anyone contemplating not competing for a while, where would they start? 

[00:34:01] Who exactly is your targeted audience for your mentorship program?

[00:35:36] Can you explain what intuitive eating is?

[00:39:29] Would you say that intuitive eating is better than macros or following a meal plan? 

[00:41:05] Can you give us a brief summary of what we'd be experiencing in the mentorship program?

[00:44:43] When did you decide that you were going to hang up your heels?

[00:47:38] What are your goals moving forward?

[00:52:55] What's a piece of advice you would give to somebody wanting to become a professional in the sport?


Instagram: @taylerjordan

YouTube: Tayler Jordan

Email: [email protected]


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