Show notes:

Peter, founder of Real Estate 101 and co-author of Commercial Real Estate Investing for Dummies. His book provides a straight forward step-by-step guide for real estate investors. Whether you're just getting started or have a portfolio for your own, Peter's methods provide another strategy to add to your toolbox.

Peter first started off as an auto mechanic, buying his first commercial property in 1990 and has never looked back. His strategies have made it possible for thousands of people all across the world to make the transition to full-time real estate investors. We're excited to have him on the show today to talk about Commercial Lease Options.

On this episode you'll learn:

-Peter’s background and his path to becoming financially free through real estate

-The transition from W2 to full time real estate investor

-Biggest fears when it comes to real estate investing and how to overcome them

-How commercial lease options work

-Some criteria that Peter looks for in a commercial lease option deal

-A case study on a commercial lease study

-Biggest obstacle that Peter has ran into in his investing journey

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Peter’s New Book: