He used to have a corporate day job. Now he’s a full time real estate investor who lives to help others find their way. Paul Thompson is turning his personal story of securing 20 deals in his first 18 months of investing into an inspiration to others. When Paul realized that the perfect time to start investing was never going to come, he jumped in! Now doing about three deals per month, Paul is able to help himself, as well as helping others build wealth with passive cash flow. Today we’re going to learn how Paul acquires his sweetest deals through various networking strategies. We’ll share how you can enhance your communications to overcome the variety of challenges real estate investors face marketing to sellers in the digital age. It’s about having all the right tools.

On this episode you’ll learn:

-Advantages of keeping a W2 job

-Creating streams of income

-Budgeting and cutting expenses

-Private lenders

-Structuring deals with private money

-College education and life

Contact Info:

Paul’s Website: https://www.pauldavidthompson.com/

Paul’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paul.thompson.16100921

Paul’s Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/ready-investor-one/id1343930864