Cassie Tondreau is a loved and well-respected educator, and based on her many years of experience, she knows, without a doubt, that children can be trusted to ask for deeper explanations and understanding … when they need them.  In this conversation about challenging, even disturbing topics, including Covid-19, Cassie encourages us to be sensitive to achieving the right balance between sharing too much with children and not sharing enough with them.

Cassie is not only a very special educator, she’s also an excellent writer, so I highly recommend the article she wrote, titled “Talking to Young Children About COVID-19,” which recently appeared in RETHINKING SCHOOLS MAGAZINE. Here's the link to that article:

Again, thank you for being here. You are very special to me, because I think you “get” the fact that is often missed by most school administrators and curriculum builders and, unfortunately, many teachers, that Social Emotional Learning is a field of study that’s as big and deep and wide as the whole of human experiences and interactions…. which is why I keep going forward with this podcast. 

Until next time, stay well, and keep learning … because continual, open-minded, open-hearted learning really is the only way forward.