Sharnell Blevins’ walks her talk when it comes to THE most sensible philosophy about children’s successful school experience: Teachers, kids AND parents must work together to ensure that all kids grow towards their own unique potential. To that end, Sharnell has worked with nonprofit educational organizations for over 25 years. She’s currently Parent Engagement Coordinator at a highly effective organization for student advocacy through parent engagement and empowerment. Sharnell attended public school in Los Angeles all the way through, from Kindergarten to 12th grade, and all 6 of her children have attended LA area public, charter and private schools.  

This conversation with Sharnell brings together several foundational factors for students’ successful Social Emotional Learning and Lifeskills development… hinging around Equality in education for Black Students.

I hope you will read her article describing current educational injustice in California, as mandated by LAW!!!!

I recently came across a powerful quote that is quite relevant for this conversation:  “Freedom isn’t just about a lack of bondage; it’s about having choices and access!”

Issues like Prop. 209 may seem disconnected from Social Emotional Learning, but once you (and I) have our blinders removed with accurate information, once we understand the cause-and-effect patterns, how can we not embrace constructive avenues for change?    I’ve always been fascinated by Social Emotional Learning, because my long teaching experience has revealed that it can be a profoundly effective foundation for WIn-Win living… for everyone, of course, because that’s what Win-Win implies. Right?! If you are winning and I am winning, where’s the downside?

Sharnell wanted you to check out these links:

It’s Time to Dismantle Educational Injustice Against Black Students