Recently two dear friends of mine gave birth to their second child, and their first children, who had been the center of their parents’ attention, were having a time with adjusting to their new life with a new family member … one who required a LOT of attention and energy.

Why is this topic on the Big Picture Social Emotional Learning Podcast? Because, and I’m sure you know this, social emotional learning and development needs to start wa-a-a-a-y before school age.  Looking at things from others’ perspective, exercising patience and consideration, being true to feelings without negatively impacting others … all those life lessons, and much more, need to be exercised very early in life, in age-appropriate ways … as soon as relevant situations arise that require more BIG PICTURE and INCLUSIVE responses that feel right and make sense to the older sibling.

My return guest is Deborah Stewart, a highly respected and well-loved preschool and pre-kindergarten teacher AND a grandmother. Listen as Deborah shares her experiences and wisdom with generosity.

Want to learn more from Deborah? Check out her website: TeachPreschool.ORG And, if you haven’t already, please LIKE the Facebook page for this, the Big Picture Social Emotional Learning Podcast. We’re starting to build a community of like-minded early childhood educators there… and one of my top priorities for this year is to strengthen our community around the values that motivate us to keep growing our selves, our knowledge and our skills for the ever-increasing benefit of our students.