As a mother of two sons, the conversation you’re about to listen to is extremely personal for me. If you have sons or work with boys, I hope you’ll find it valuable, and I’d also like to encourage you to read the book upon which we’ll be basing our discussion. The title of the book, OH BOY!, was written by my guest, Francis Wardle, formerly a Head Start Director, a Head Start education manager, an elementary school teacher, an administrator of a national child care company, as well as a dedicated family man with 4 kids and 4 grandkids of his own… Francis wrote the book because he saw a HUGE gap of appreciation and respect for the differences between boys’ and girls’ early developmental needs.

Francis and I are planning to share more conversations on this podcast, so please accept this very sincere invitation to submit any questions you’d like Francis to address … including any specific challenges. Francis would love to hear from you.

Feel free to send your questions or comments to: [email protected]  OR, even better: just go to FACEBOOK and like the page for this, the Big Picture Social Emotional Learning Podcast Facebook page.