Rusty May is a practical, deeply passionate educator, and a former basketball coach, committed to helping teachers create connected, caring, working relationships with every student. In this episode, Rusty provides us with unique and highly educated insights for interacting with even the most challenging students that walk into our schools and classrooms. Rusty was the son of a 3-Star General who tended to parent as a 3-Star General, by emphasizing punishments over communication and thoughtful age-appropriate discipline. Rusty’s childhood experiences were pretty rough, made all the rougher by the fact that his home was a different military base every two years… so he can relate to many of the challenges of disconnection that today’s youth are experiencing, even if they’re not growing up in military families.  Rusty and I shared a conversation that will provide you with a wealth of evidence-based, feet-on-the-ground, time-saving, effortless-to-implement tools that can support you in generating more positive and productive learning environments. Please share this episode with teachers and parents who you know will appreciate and benefit from its content.

     You can learn more about Rusty and his offerings at Take him up on his offer to give you 2 free months, rather than a 1-month free trial to his daily videos. All you have to do is mention that you learned about him on this podcast to get that extra free month. And if you do take him up on his offer, I’d love to hear what kinds of responses and effects start showing up as a result.  Meantime, thank you for all that you do… and, if you haven’t already, please subscribe, because this podcast is just getting started at shining a light on all the great people who are building belonging in and out of today’s school environments… for everyone’s healthy social, emotional and lifeskills development.