You and I have internal navigation systems, or at least that’s how we started out in life … but maybe, by now, some of us have lost touch with our natural born guidance systems…. you know … from lack of use … which probably happened because we stopped trusting that our natural born guidance systems could actually steer us in the best directions, in the smartest directions, in the directions most right for our own unique and individual selves.   
Can we just “BE” around kids … so they can just “BE” themselves, because when kids are free to just BE themselves …  simply in tune with their own navigation systems, they’re growing stronger within themselves AS themselves … and if we can be one of the people who safeguard and protect that most basic of human rights: to be themselves, to trust in themselves, to remain connected to their own internal navigation systems. … then we can be certain that we are doing right by the kids in our care.