Welcome again to the Big Picture Social Emotional Learning podcast, even though this upcoming conversation, in defense of SEL, is one I would never have predicted needing to be shared… but, and you don’t need me to tell you: these are wild times, in which just about any topic, especially around education, can ignite extreme and heated reactions. So troubling! 

…and so I reached out, again, to Elizabeth Peterson, a teacher with many years experience, who lights up with energetic joy and appreciation for what she accomplishes -alongside her elementary and middle school students- year after year, by incorporating SEL into the curriculum of all the subjects she teaches, from math to science to English.  We all have a LOT to learn from Elizabeth. 

Listen all the way through this conversation. There are gems of empowering insight from start to finish, whether you’re a whole-hearted advocate of Social Emotional Learning - always on the lookout for more creative ways to integrate SEL into your classroom’s culture, OR …if you’re on the other end of the SEL spectrum, and you’ve been swayed by the disparaging remarks some groups have been promoting for whatever reasons... this conversation is sure to bring clarity to your thoughts and your conversations around this topic so central to our students' growth and development, not only socially and emotionally, but academically as well.

Learn more at https://theinspiredclassroom.com/