Instagram link to the Big Picture Social Emotional Learning Podcast

Here’s a link to a Bill’s book: The Self-Driven Child, showing the Table of Contents to give you a quick overview of the book’s value.

Here’s a link to a quick YouTube video that explains the difference between Fixed Mindset and Growth Mindset… and here’s another way to understand MINDSETS, and some fascinating brain science around learning, according to Carol Dweck’s highly respected research.

The PERMA Model: Your Scientific Theory of Happiness › perma-model

The Penn Resilience Program and PERMA workshops are evidence-based training options that strive to build resilience, wellbeing, and optimism.

Peter Gray, Ph.D., research professor at Boston College, is author of Free to Learn (Basic Books) and Psychology (Worth Publishers, a college textbook now in its 8th edition). He has conducted and published research in neuroendocrinology, developmental psychology, anthropology, and education. He did his undergraduate study at Columbia University and earned a Ph.D. in biological sciences at Rockefeller University. His current research and writing focus primarily on children's natural ways of learning and the life-long value of play. He a founding member of the nonprofit Alliance for Self-Directed Education and a founding board member of the nonprofit Let Grow. His own play includes not only his research and writing, but also long distance bicycling, kayaking, back-woods skiing, and vegetable gardening.

An thought-provoking post for parents and teachers focused on our over-emphasis on competition:   Kids Want to Cooperate, But We Make Them Compete: What’s the harm of all the competitions imposed on kids, in and out of school?