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SEL is about the human and humane sides of all our actions and interactions… and since “different” people ARE treated differently in the world, on the street, in the classroom, on playgrounds… differences must be acknowledged.

Have you heard that expression ‘oppression with a hug? For me, that implies a form of oppression or supremacy by way of pretending, or denial, or simple non-acknowledgement of others’ experiences… with long-range effects that silently and invisibly seep into the air we breathe …the air we inhale and the air we exhale, all pervasive unless it’s called out for what it is.

Who doesn’t love and seek to expand Win-Win situations? Why would anyone be against Win-Win situations? If there are no losers in Win-Win situations how could anyone have a problem with that?  I’ve never understood that, but there is a whole group, fueled by powerful conservative entities (who are promoting their ideas on social media, through privately funded organizations and think tank foundations, PACs, and politicians) that exploit and agitate local ideas about what should be taught and what should be learned in schools. Targets include school district policy, state law, and …most troubling… specific local educators themselves.

At this point I want to quickly let you know that my source is a research paper produced at UCLA’s Institute for Democracy, Education, and Access, titled: The Conflict Campaign: Exploring Local Experiences of the Campaign to Ban “Critical Race Theory” in Public K–12 Education in the U.S., 2020–2021.  The report can be accessed online, and I’ve included the link in this episode’s show notes: (

“IF we believe in the promises of equality, how are we supposed to live in equality if we can’t talk honestly about inequality.” That’s like inviting me and my family to Thanksgiving with your family, without ever telling me what to bring to contribute to the celebration and without ever telling me where your actual home is. More info, please!!!

If you’ve been listening to this podcast for awhile, you know I’m all about discovering and sharing solutions, so here’s some good news: There are school leaders, and there are school districts around the country that have not caved to the intimidation tactics of the Conflict Campaign. One inspiring example is Aaron Spence, superintendent of Virginia Beach City Public Schools. Superintendent Spence wrote an op-ed for The Virginian Pilot.

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