First thing: Please accept Holly's invitation to ask questions (and share stories, too).  You can post your questions by connecting with us on the Big Picture Social Emotional Learning Podcast FACEBOOK PAGE.

Here's the marvelous (short YouTube) link of Sir Ken Robinson describing a young girl who barely escaped a terrible life by being misdiagnosed.  Definitely worth watching!

Here is a partial list links for the thought leaders in the field of ADHD research and services mentioned by Holly:

Thomas E. Brown

Stephen Hinshaw, Ph.D.

Melissa McCabe on YouTube ~ How to ADHD: The Channel Trailer

Russell Barkley, also on YouTube - with many videos and much fascinating research for managing and doing well while living with ADHD.

Holly Seerley, MFT (Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist) has been in private practice in the San Francisco Bay Area since 1979. She specializes in ADHD therapy for all ages, as well as couples therapy. Throughout the upcoming conversation you will experience Holly’s dedication to increasing understanding about ADHD and effective treatment for ADHD, in alignment with her insights around the trajectory of all relationships.

Over the years, Holly has worked in schools as a credentialed school psychometrist, which is the person who provides assessments for special education, as well as counseling for all students, K-12 grades. For decades, Holly has worked with families and couples, and has also taught other therapists.

Holly has presented at numerous schools and conferences and she has served on several boards related to her expertise on ADHD and co-occurring conditions.

Interestingly, Holly has ADHD, Inattentive Subtype while her son Dash, who has served on many panels of students who learn differently, has ADHD, Combined Subtype plus dyslexia, or as she and her son say, “ADHD, Turbo Type.” Holly beams with love and pride when describing her son’s many accomplishments, despite his ADHD challenges, sharing that he teaches PE and math as an assistant at a school for students with dyslexia as well as being a soccer referee.

I learned so much about ADHD in this conversation… what it is, what it isn’t, and most importantly WHY we all need to know and understand as much about the condition as we can, because it’s affecting all of us, in one way or another… and by understanding that fact we’ll all be more motivated to adopt a solutions-oriented mindset towards ADHD when we notice its symptoms in ourselves, in the children we care for…. in any of the people we work and live with….and speaking of a solutions-oriented mindset, Holly shared many constructive, and even life-changing ways to successfully manage ADHD in young children, and the full range of ages.