In this episode of The Big Picture Podcast, Dominica Lumazar and Rory Carruthers go in-depth on how to know when to raise your rates. They also share how to move clients and customers through stages to build deeper connections that lead to higher earnings. Along with these two significant points, they also discuss many other topics that are of value to anybody passionate about starting or scaling their business.

“If every time you make an offer people are way too eager to get started and you’re closing most deals then you are absolutely undercharging. There should usually be a bit of push back.” – Rory Carruthers

“You need to know how much it will cost to deliver your services, what your profit margin is, and how much you’re paying for your advertising. If
you have taken all that into account and you’re undercharging, then you are not sustainable and your business will simply go broke. You need to know your numbers to understand how to choose your rates.” – Dominica Lumazar

Some Topics Discussed Include:

Knowing when to raise your rates and how to implement them ethicallyHow to sell your products and services properly without selling yourself shortThe perceived value of higher-priced products and servicesHow to position yourself as an expert in your field to command higher ratesHow to use partnerships to scale your offers and rates

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