Today's guest, award-winning journalist Eleanor Ross has spent a lot of time not feeling good enough. It's taken her (and many others, yours truly included) to some very dark places. 

She writes about all this with brutal honesty in her new book 'Good Enough; the myth of success and how to celebrate the joy in average'. 

Eleanor wonders how many of us are just tolerating the lows to reach the fleeting highs, and are actually missing all the big, juicy, creative stuff along the way.

This wide-ranging, sometimes humourous, sometimes serious conversation covers why so many of us feel like this and how to deal with it more constructively on an individual and societal level.

She also explains how she now nurtures her creativity in a much more joyful, juicy way than she did before when on the capitalist treadmill.

Eleanor's puppy Mabel also has a few barks to contribute on the matter (we are in lockdown, after all).

Tune in if you want to be inspired to stop beating yourself up, by listening to this ballsy lady who is on a mission to start a revolution. 

Warning: you may also be inspired to stare at your neighbours alot more after listening, too 


Find out more about Eleanor's book, published by Hodder, here.

Find Eleanor on Twitter here (her usual haunt) and Instagram here.

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