This solo episode of the Big Juicy Creative podcast is the second part of summing up the main AHA moments Suzy has had from her brilliant interviewees so far.

You’ll find the first part in episode 31 – covering learnings from farmer Lynn Cassells, artist Ann Vastano, composer Ella Jarman-Pinto, performer Jennifer Blaine and entrepreneur Kelly Pietrangeli.

In this episode, Suzy pulls out the main gems extracted when talking to chef Kirsten Gilmour, coach Lucy Sheridan, clown Holly Stoppit and actress Claire Merrick.

As usual, she shares what she's been doing to nurture her creativity at this difficult time, ending with a 5 minute creative exercise that makes her feel better about her horrible homeschool day.


Episode with chef KJ is 22

Episode with coach Lucy Sheridan is 8

Episode with clown Holly Stoppit is 30

Episode with actress Claire Merrick is 26

Episode with doctor Tash Pirie Burley is 13

Go check them out! And please do share with anyone who would benefit from a creative boost right now. Thank you!