Claire Merrick is an actress and voiceover artist and one of the most creatively brave people I know. Why? Because she ditched a very comfortable, successful career in innovation at 41, to pursue her dream of being an actress, despite people thinking she was bonkers. The thing I admire most is that she keeps putting herself out there, and being vulnerable, not letting her fear (or judgement from others) stop her.

She does this because, as she explains, knows the value of feeding her creativity, and the huge personal cost of not. She’s also done a Master’s in Business Creativity and Innovation. So she knows her stuff both practically and theoretically.

This episode was actually never intended to be aired. It was intended to be my practice episode where I got my head around podcasting.

We talk about permission, the definition of success, therapy… and how as adults we often become disconnected from that childlike creative joy, how we can get it back and how an essential part of enjoying creativity, and life, is to drop toxic perfectionism. Which is why I’m not going to worry too much about the fact this episode, the first I’ve ever made, isn’t flawless.

But, as Claire will inspire you to do, the most important thing is just to create. Not to waste your life thinking about it, or worrying too much what the world thinks. On that note, please look past the imperfections and enjoy this chat with the brilliant Clare Merrick as much as I did. 

If you need an injection of brave to get your creative juices flowing, this episode is definitely for you


Claire’s Merrick’s website:

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