This is a special episode in the How to Thrive Winter series because it's a full length one (rather than bitesize) for those of you missing the in-depth interviews that Big Juicy Creative usually puts out fortnightly on a Thursday.

It's with the fabulous, formidable award-winning chef Kirsten Gilmour (known as KJ); a straight-talking Kiwi living in the Cairngorms, in the Scottish Highlands. She founded the Mountain Café in Aviemore, which quickly became an institution in Aviemore & Scotland, with tourists flocking from all round the globe to queue on her stairs to get a seat.

In this episode she tells the fascinating story of how she got here, how her creative soul was nurtured in her childhood against the odds and why she is so resilient - because, boy, she's had, and continues to have, her obstacles to climb.

If you've ever felt like falling in a heap in despair at a creative, or other, endeavour (err, ☝️), then this episode will definitely inspire you to come out fighting and determined to make a positive contribution. 


Kirsten's website

Buy the Mountain Cafe Cook Book here

Recipe for winter warming Apple, Carrot, Red Lentil and Rosemary Soup

Winter warming granola recipe

KJ's New Venture: the Bothy Bakery

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