I take a deep dive into some simple nutrition tips and things to consider for working at home.

Links and Resources:

Eat the season - http://www.eattheseasons.co.uk/seasons.php

Red Tractor - https://redtractor.org.uk/

Good Fish Guide - https://www.mcsuk.org/goodfishguide/search

The Fish Man Mike Warner - www.apassionforseafood.com/

33 Fuel protein bars (matt10 at checkout for 10% off) - https://www.33fuel.com/products/eroica-protein-bar-6-bar-pack

33 Fuel protein powder (matt10 at checkout for 10% off) - https://www.33fuel.com/collections/all-products/products/premium-protein

Motion Nutrition -https://www.motionnutrition.com/shop/category/organic-sport-supplements/

Fitter Food smoothie recipe - https://fitterfood.com/recipe/choc-avo-bliss/

How to build a salad - https://www.thehealthboost.co.uk/blog/building-perfect-salad

BBC Good Food slow cooker recipes -https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/collection/slow-cooker-recipes

Big Feed Up HQ Recipe Pack - email me on [email protected] and I will send you a recipe pack containing some of the dishes I make for dinner every week.

Fuel for the work required concept - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29453741/