James Sinclair is a Performance Nutritionist and has been a professional footballer for 15+ years.

Currently James lives just north of Gothenburg in Sweden with his fiancé and little boy.

We dig into:

How James became a SENr registered nutritionist.

Life in Sweden since the pandemic hit.

How James set up his consultancy business - James Sinclair
Performance Nutrition.

James experiences implementing the nutrition tools he has learnt into supporting his own performances and others around him.

James Friday Fakeaway - every Friday James posts on instagram a delicious and nutrition meal you can follow and make at home.

Links and Resources:

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jsinclair1987/

Twitter - https://twitter.com/Jsinclair1987

Website - https://www.jamessinclairnutrition.com/

James first episode on the podcast - https://soundcloud.com/user-188029167/professional-football-fika-sports-and-exercise-nutrition-research-with-james-sinclair

IOPN - https://theiopn.com/

Sports and Exercise Nutrition Register (SENr) - http://www.senr.org.uk/?LMCL=U8qKKf

33 Fuel:

33 Fuel support the show and produce natural and powerful sports nutrition products.

Use matt10 at checkout for 10% off - https://www.33fuel.com/

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