I met Lucy Paterson in my early 20’s working at a kids sports summer camp in the U.S.

We share very similar interests in terms of nutrition and exercise and I really like her analytical and caring personality.

She is extreamly intelligent and very experianced when it comes to speaking about childhood obesity and it is my pleasure to bring you this in depth conversation.

In this episode you will hear all about Lucys work with a Charity called Shift.

Shift design products and build social ventures to help solve social problems.

Below are all of the links to the information Lucy spoke about.

You can find Lucy on Instagram:


Shift website:

The food team’s overall research page:

Timeline of the entire Food project (might be a good one to use as it already has links to all the research reports):

Shift’s report on the work with Guy’s & St Thomas’ (family insights):

And cool little video snapshot version with footage from the ‘shop-a-longs’:

Guy’s & St Thomas’ Bitseize report (our research informed much of it but particularly the family profiles):

Box Chicken report:

Stealthy Healthy changes report: