Let's get into another episode of BIG QUESTIONS! I answer... 

How do we stay in a mindset of PEACE and ABUNDANCE when there's sooo much to pay for? & go in depth on overcoming scarcity & fear in the journey to subconscious money peace. Is it possible to tap FOR someone/help them via tapping on OURSELVES? "Surrogate tapping," how to help the people we love energetically. Advice for dealing with a toxic coworker (or friend/family member) - suggestions for YOUR PEACE, whilst keeping some good boundaries.  Is trying to motivate/pump yourself up when you really DON'T WANT TO a form of bypassing? What's REALLY at the heart of not feeling motivated/wanting to do something - and how to explore those deeper layers and figure out what you want to do to move forward.  How do I NOT SABOTAGE a manifestation when it's about to come in? Let's dive deeper on the FEAR OF SUCCESS. How did I get the confidence to go the alternate route in my career, and did I have a backup plan? + a total pep talk on "backup plans", taking the leap, encouraging yourself through the journey 

MONEY BLOCKS Slingshot Session: https://www.haleyhoffmansmithprograms.com/offers/XfS5iNVr/checkout

Join us in the Dreamaway Community for so many resources including Dreamaway-exclusive Slingshot Sessions, visualizations, tapping "Money Dates" (abundance programming), daily tapping videos, weekly energy readings, astrological updates, and so much more! https://www.haleyhoffmansmithprograms.com/dreamaway

Make sure you're following me on IG to request podcast episode topics/submit questions for the next Big Questions episode! @haleyhoffmansmith