John & David is joined by Special Guest Prof. Julian Lindley-French as they look deep into Russia's contemporary grand strategy. Was the fuss about Russian military exercise Vostok 2018 justified?

Here is extra information on some of the names/terms used in this episode for those who may not be familiar with them:

General Valery Gerasimov - Russian Chief of the General Staff

Glavnoye Razvedyvatel'noye Upravleniye (GRU) - Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Запад (ZAPAD) - is the name given to routine Russian military manoeuvres that started during the Soviet Union (1973). The largest ZAPAD Exercise was conducted by the USSR in 1981. The latest ZAPAD Exercise was conducted last year (2017) to much media alarm. See STRATEGIKON Ep 36 feat SIA Chairman CDRE P.J. Tyrrell OBE RN (Ret'd)

AirLand Battle - A US military concept designed for the defence of Western Europe from Soviet aggression. It called for the close coordination of Western (ie US-European forces under the auspices of NATO) forces. Land units to manoeuvre aggressively against a Soviet ground attack while Western air power attacked rear echelon Soviet formations to disrupt their offensive operations

Exercise Saif Sareea (Swift Sword) - A British military exercise conducted with the armed forces of Oman. It is the largest out of area military deployment conducted by the UK. There has been three such exercises, 1986, 2001 and 2018

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