The European Parliament’s creation, national ambitions, identities and
interests have had an imperfect execution throughout its history. The last elections demonstrated that nationalism is making a come-back in a significant way. British 'nationalists' won the Brexit debate hugely, Northern Italian ‘nationalists’ won in Italy signalling a divided Italy may be in its future. Though there were some notable defeats for nationalist parties, overall they are a growing, permanent presence in the European political space.
Upon scanning recent geopolitical articles on social media, Dr. John Bruni came across a piece written by a colleague and part-time contributor to SAGE International Australia, Prof. Dr. Julian Lindley-French. 

To discuss these issues, we’ll be joined today by Prof. Lindley-French. Julian is Vice-President Atlantic Treaty Association, Senior Fellow of the Institute of Statecraft, Director of Europa Analytica & Distinguished Visiting Research Fellow, National Defense University, Washington DC.

Please direct any feedback you may have to the SIA website, we look forward to hearing from you!

This episode's feature artist is Hartway, with their track Dreaming. Find them on Facebook, iTunes and Spotify.

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