Welcome to "The Biblical Nutritionist"! In this episode, we address a crucial topic for those undergoing chemotherapy: overcoming its side effects. We received a question from one of our listeners who is currently battling rectum cancer and experiencing debilitating side effects from radiation therapy.

Discover the surprising link between gut health and cancer and how it can impact the side effects of chemotherapy. We'll explore dietary adjustments that can help alleviate symptoms like constant diarrhea and gas, as well as provide much-needed relief and replenishment.

Join us on "The Biblical Nutritionist" as we explore the powerful connection between nutrition, gut health, and overcoming chemotherapy side effects. Together, we can navigate this challenging path and find hope in the healing properties of God's created foods. Stay tuned for more empowering episodes. I'm Annette Reeder, and it's my mission to keep you on mission.