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When Christians try to understand the Trinity, they sometimes do not understand how God can come down in the flesh. Genesis 18:2 shows this very well.  

But Jesus was 100% God and 100% a man. Daniel shows this together with the Ancient of Days and the Son of Man. Adam and Eve were sinless and then sinned. For JWs, how would our sins be forgiven if Christ was not God because only God is sinless? And how would he be able to die for the sin of the world, us who were born under sin, if He was not 100% man and 100% God? He could cry out, "It is finished," as He declared all those who would believe by faith that He was God. 1 Cor 15:1-4. He rose again and appeared to the disciples so that we would know our promise of eternal life.  

No one is saved without placing their faith in Christ. But how? Pray to the Lord, place your sins on Him, believe that He is God and that He died for your sin,s and ask him into your heart. He will cause you to be born again from above (John 3). Without that, no one is saved.  

All other religions, even some Christian religions, ask you to work to be saved, but Christ wants us to believe in Him. Then He helps us from the inside out to do things for Him. We walk through life under His precious blood, which is the grace of God teaching us away from ungodliness. Titus 2:11-12

Challenge. When you read the Gospels and see Jesus doing something or not knowing something, think about why the Holy Spirit is showing this particular situation. Could it be to teach us how to respond? We are to follow Him. We are to be His disciples. It makes for an interesting study.  

To be born again, go here: https://biblestudycompany.com/blog/article/81

To watch the long version of this video, go here: https://youtu.be/7eNhYBgswAU

To learn to study the Bible with us go here: https://biblestudycompany.com/blog/article/207

For the long podcast: https://biblestudycompany.simplecast.com/episodes/clearing-up-false-teaching-with-dr-baruch-korman-of-loveisraelorg