Our position on biblical creation is crucial for the Gospel. Why? The Lord Jesus Christ in the new testament shared that Adam and Eve were real people as well as Noah, Abraham, and even Jonah. The world is His House and His Rules.

Paul said in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 *"16 All Scripture is God-Breathed and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; 17 so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work."

Many Christians do not want to think about the 6 days of Creation biblical account AS 6 DAYS. Why not? Only one worldview of science is taught in secular schools, and that is evolution. If we are going to approach the Bible to be obedient as disciples, then the account given in Genesis should produce faith in us that we can trust a God Who could speak the universe into existence in 6 days. He even knew us in the womb and formed us for His purposes…psalm 139. The "fall of man" into sin by rejecting God's one command explains how the world is decaying due to sin and death. With our sin, we require saving!

Sin, as a result of the fall of man, our true nature for rebellion to God is exposed. While we like to think we are a good person, the 10 commandments in Exodus 20 says differently. Christ endured the wrath of God on the cross for humanity's sin. We are all liars, thieves, and blasphemers. Let's turn to Him for salvation and after that, let's put our full trust in the biblical account of our origins.

Keyword section: There are many bible verses about love, and there are many bible verse of the day programs. The holy bible provides these remarkable bible commentary. Bible Study and online bible study are available at biblestudycompany.com

Our conference is July 26, 27 https://biblestudycompany.com/site/events

Dr. Jackson's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/PointsOfOrigins/

To purchase Genesis Paradise Lost the movie: https://amzn.to/2KVJZuc

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