This podcast rocked our hearts and souls. We hope it does you. Our podcast is about dealing with our sin to please God. We will cover topics of symbolism, such as the size and width of the altar and the prayers that create a sweet aroma to our God. When we realize that the altar is about us dealing with sin and then being honest with God in our prayers a whole new world opens of the Kingdom of God. So what "state" are we in? Are we dealing with sin or just going through the motions?

Here is a comment from our Sound Engineer: "Enjoyed listening to the episode. I’ve heard a couple of similar talks about the idea of understanding your position in the scope of the world and with God. The way you guys frame it is a little clearer than most of what I’ve heard, though—a refreshing take on it! Oh…and about the televangelists and the ‘prophets’ and whatnot…man, don’t even get me started. Haha. I feel the same way. There’s a lot of substanceless stuff floating around out there, and you guys are right in saying that the reason they attract so many is that they ignore sin, they ignore the foundations on which our need for grace came about. Kind of a big thing to miss, lol."

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