#Jesus #JesusChrist #Bible #biblia #ephesians #dependentongod #Jesuslovesyou #inchrist

To be v.s. to do. Did we just define our struggle in our life? We start our second Bible Study of Ephesians with the biblical study principles on what Paul is communicating what we "are" in Ephesians 1. So we are to "be" in GOD's POWER v.s., not to "do" IN OUR POWER and strength. But this is where we live, in our heads, emotions, and our will. How can we change to "be" in His will? Easy to say, hard to accomplish. But not complicated in His power. Let's see. Our podcast and video are the practical applications of our DEPENDENCE ON GOD, not on our strength. Did you know Adam and Eve were to have God's help daily to carry out God's will while they were in the Garden? Yes, our lives were never meant to be lived without God's help. Paul explains we are IN Christ now. Yet, our struggle continues. Adam and Eve decided to do their own will, and this rebellion caused them separation from their CREATOR. Christ came as a sinless man, and also God Almighty, the same One in the Garden, Who was to help Adam and Eve carry out God's will. Through the blood of Christ, even though we are in our sinful flesh, we have the Holy Spirit given to us to help us carry out His will, with "every spiritual blessing," which is HIM! We can get excited about this and worship our Creator. He wants us to be dependent on Him. How do we practice this principle? By having our hearts submitted to His Word and be in personal fellowship with Christ and realize we are to "be" in Christ. Join us for this revealing podcast! 

For Bible Study Groups here is our study: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ghzkue2ztxjvb5xtbvgfs/To-Be-or-Not-to-Be.pptx?dl=0&rlkey=wke8u2pe6z0epifjgmwg9x8mt 

For our podcasts: https://biblestudycompany.simplecast.com/

For our YouTube videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_3pnTpA_cgzJ1eO6JIQdDA