As we contemplate the new year have you wondered, "Can God use my life? I am just a nobody in my job and family and doing nothing important". Every person was made by God to serve Him. Our focus is to minister to Him. He wants us to be somebody to Him.

Let's take the time to read Psalm 139 for worship.

Next: We will examine the story of David becoming king from God's perspective in 1 Samuel 16 whole chapter.  

What does "David was a man after God's own heart" actually mean. And how did David become king? Why did God make David king while Saul was still king?  

How can we be people after God's own heart?

What steps did David take for God to pick him as king? Can you take the same steps.  

Do you study the bible from a youframe perspective or Godframe approach to live pleasing to God?

Join us for reframing your new year.

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