We are taking a fresh look at the Sabbath or Shabbat. Podcast for Pewsitters and Biblestudycompany.com are giving a shout out to the TV series, The Chosen, by Dallas Jenkins. In the series, Dallas portrayed a Shabbat dinner in several instances. One was a woman of an ancient tent-dwelling group of people preparing for a Shabbat meal, which was touching. A boy was asking his mother, the purpose of Shabbat. She explains the fellowship aspect and the advantage of gathering family and friends. As a husband and father, I personally love the "call to Shabbat" by honoring the wife by declaring: "A woman of valor, who can find? Far beyond pearls is her value. Her husband's heart trusts in her, and he shall lack no fortune". (Proverbs 31) WOW!

Let's shift back to bible study of the Shabbat. Is the Shabbat just an old testament custom or "law" that is only for the Jewish people? Or are Christians to avoid old testament laws and traditions because we are under a "new covenant" and are not under old testament law? Or, as Christians, do we have a wrong view of the "law" and the Bible altogether? What if we took a new perspective that the "whole counsel of God " (Acts 20:27)----the whole Bible is to teach us about the plans and purposes of God? What if the Shabbat has lessons to teach us about the character of God and even our lack of dependence on God? Read Isaiah 58:13-14. Is it possible to put aside your will for one day? We need God's power in our life. Fortunately, His grace comes to us when we submit to His word.

Shall we honor the Shabbat? You decide as you listen to the podcast.

The feasts and traditions of the Bible teach us important truths about God, and point to Christ.

Let's join Ric and Mary Joyner in the podcast "Rethinking the Sabbath."