Once we begin to obey God, He begins to move in our lives and hearts. In the last podcast we talked about the 7 things that will change in our life. We finished the first 3 points. Here are the next 4. 

Exodus 4 Part 3 In Exodus 4 Part 3 we will deal with the other 4 items.

Walking with God will affect our marriage and immediate family. Trying to obey the word of God may bring some hidden areas of marriage, we don't like to discuss, into the light. Why did God want to kill Moses? Moses hadn't obeyed God in his family because Moses did not circumcise one of his sons according to the Abraham covenant. (Gen 17:14) Because Moses had not, the son of Moses was to be "cut off from his people." The lesson we can learn is that our family must be in covenant with the Lord. Let's seek His wisdom on how to accomplish His will in our families. Podcast part 3 will deal with this strange passage.Walking with God will affect our extended family. Aaron was told by the Lord to meet Moses. Moses shared with Aaron all that the Lord had spoken and that they were to be a team to carry out the will of God. Aaron was now on board. Essentially, Moses shared the gospel (good news) that God was coming to redeem His people out of Egypt. Aaron responded. So often though, in our families this is not the outcome. Let's press on to win others! Obeying God impacted their community. Aaron and Moses gathered the elders together and shared all that God had spoken, and as a result, it produced worship. We can take away from this that obeying the word of God is worship. God cares for us all. But He wants us lined up with His Kingdom purposes. What will you decide?Obeying and walking with God will affect the government if that is God's will. If we share according to God's will, He will deal with the results.

In our next podcast in Exodus 5, we see that people oppose the will of God and that we are to expect this opposition. Join Ric and Mary Joyner for this fun and interesting Scripture.