There are two prominent yearly  feast or religious holidays that feature a lamb sacrifice. The Passover among the Jews although the lambs have not actually been killed since the Jerusalem temple was destroyed in 70 A. D.; however, the festive meal and ritual continue with a substitute meat. In Islam the Greater Eid or The Sacrifice Feast is celebrated with the actual killing of the animal usually a lamb, goat or beef and in some places a camel is performed as a re-enactment of Abraham's sacrifice of his son when a lamb was killed in place of the son. 
However, the Lamb in also featured in the Christian faith but not as an animal killed but the memorial meal of the Messiah Jesus as the fulfillment of Abraham's sacrifice and as the true Passover Lamb who takes away the sin of the world. What is foreshadowed  in the historical events of Adam's fall and God's clothing of them with animal skin, Abraham's sacrifice and Moses and the Hebrews slaying of the Passover lamb is all fulfilled in the person and the atoning sacrifice followed by resurrection of Jesus the Christ. 

Bible Insights with Wayne Conrad
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